Learning with intention means doing the right thing on purpose…

Why Take Music Lessons?

Learning an instrument is difficult, and we do not shy away from that reality, in fact we embrace it. We live in a time that promotes quick fixes, instant gratification, and the idea that “if it’s not easy, it isn’t right!”. Because of this, individuals assume that struggle and discomfort is a sign that they should quit, when the reality is that the struggle is where progress and excellence is attained. The sooner students can accept the struggle, the sooner they can begin developing strategies and processes that will help them overcome their obstacles, and in result, develop intrinsic levels of confidence in their capacity to learn and persevere, not only in times of ease, but more importantly when times are difficult. Through focused and intentional work with an exceptional teacher, students can begin stacking the evidence that they are capable of far more than they realize. This is the point where students truly begin developing joy for the process of learning an instrument.

Here at Indiana Conservatory of Music, we are professional musicians who’s inspiration and passion for music goes beyond the concert hall. With our world class training, and experience as professional teachers, we know the challenges of learning our instruments. More importantly, we know how to help students to develop the systems and structures that it takes for them to truly learn with intentionality. Through patience, compassion, and flexibility, we will guide you, or your child, through a journey that has the potential of creating a life long hobby, or a professional career as a musician.

Meet the Team

What We Offer

Standard 1:1 Lessons

Curriculum Based 1:1 Instruction

Curriculum Based Group Classes 1:5-15

Mission Statement

Our mission at Indiana Conservatory of Music is to help individuals of all ages develop higher levels of confidence, resilience, and independence through music instruction by providing a space that is free from judgment in order to allow students to take risks, make mistakes, and learn to adopt a growth mindset.